Cabbage after a month

cabbage 1

cabbage 2

cabbage 3

cabbage 4

I did an earlier post portraying the images of little cabbage seedlings.
. That was early March. Eventually I chose the best 4 to be placed in four containers. Cabbage is our first attempt. I saw in someone's blog about using coconut fiber as a cushion for the eventual cabbage to rest on. It will definitely look neat and clean for cabbage to swell and rest on.

One day,  the weather changed and became a little bit windy. The coconut fibers were blown away. As the wind came to a halt, I slowly look for the blown fiber and put them back. Just to make sure,  four stones were placed on top.

 The info I gathered says 50 - 60 days as days to harvest.
Will the plants swell within the next 30 days?

Putrajaya Malaysia
Cabbage after a month Cabbage after a month Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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