First Bed Planted

Yesterday I planted out the first bed of the season. I started out by turning the bed over, I then amended with some of my well rotted compost & kelp meal and then scratched it in. This year I am trying kelp meal for the first time, last year I used blood and bone meal instead.

This bed was planted out with greens, radishes & broccoli. The idea is the green will be harvested just before the broccoli over takes them. All my transplants seem to be much smaller then last years. I started them at the same time and gave them the same care so it is kind of strange. Either way they are healthy & green so I should end up with the same results. Below I will go into details of each variety:

Purple Sprouting Broccoli from seed shared by Miss M. This is
the spring version and I am looking forward to tasting this crop.

Waltham Broccoli, there are a total of 12 plants this spring.

Bonsai Pac Choi, showing a little slug damage. I planted
four transplants and half a row was sown.

Tatsoi, planted 8 of these.

Little Gem Romaine. It is a nice small romaine, there
is a row of 8 of these as well.

Pinetree Lettuce Mix. This is the best lettuce mix I have
tried, it has a very nice variation. I planted 8 clumps of
this lettuce mix.

At the front of the bed I tucked in a row of Crop Circle
Radishes that were shared by Yan at Soggy Creek Seed Co.
100% guaranteed to prevent crop circles :-)

The last thing that went in was a row of Bright Lights Chard
from seed shared by Daphne. This was planted out in another
bed as it is a longer season crop. Daphne gave me some of this
seed last year as well and it was an excellent crop.
First Bed Planted First Bed Planted Reviewed by Tegal on 3:10 AM Rating: 5

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