Harvest Monday

This morning I brought in a few things, both winter & spring crops this time. There are a few things still in the garden that I will harvest soon to make way for new crops. Things that will be taking their place this week are peas, brassica's and lettuce transplants. I will also be direct seeding a few things this week as well.

The spinach is still going crazy. Also in the coldframe is
mache, parsley & thyme.

Here is the spinach I picked today. Some leaves are close
to 12" long which is the biggest spinach I had ever seen.

'Bonsai' Pac Choi. These are thinnings and are about half the
normal harvestable size. They will be tossed into tonight's

Tatsoi thinnings. These are still tiny but will also be good
in the stir-fry.

Mache. They are all starting to flower now. Not sure
if they will be bitter now because of it. Anyone have
experience with bolting mache?

Be sure to check out Daphne's page for all the other blogs participating in Harvest Monday.
Harvest Monday Harvest Monday Reviewed by Tegal on 7:21 PM Rating: 5

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