Indoor seedlings

It would appear that I have been neglecting blogging due to all the summer like weather we have been getting. I have been doing lots of gardening, yard work and photography though. After planting a bunch of things this evening I decided to update on the indoor seedlings due to outdoor darkness, if only the sun didn't go down... Early this week most indoor crops have been put out in the polytunnel so this will be a short post.

Here are peppers that Granny shared, Golden California Wonder & Quadrato Rosso D'Asti. There are eight growing in this cell pack and they will be split and potted up soon.

Here are the rest of the peppers, Big Chile II, Pustagold, Pasilla, Early Jalapeno, Ancho & Yellow Cayenne. These will all be potted up soon as well. I think I started them to early. I find peppers do benefit from an early start but I think I will hold off a couple weeks next season.

Now for the celery & celeriac. Start on the left is Red Celery, in the middle is Brilliant Celeriac from Kathy and on the end Giant Celeriac from Miss M. They have been recently thinned so they are looking a little ragged. I think I will start putting them in the polytunnel soon to bulk them up.

These are all the things I planted tonight, the great majority are herbs. Also started tonight are a bunch of perennials from Miss M and snapdragons from Granny.

Soon seeding will ramp up again and my indoor area will be full again. I still have all the tomatoes to start, I am holding off starting them too early this year because they grow so fast. Other things that are coming up are tomatillos, more herbs, beans, melons, cucumbers & squash. The garden is getting busy again!

Look for an outdoor update some time this weekend.
Indoor seedlings Indoor seedlings Reviewed by Tegal on 10:01 AM Rating: 5

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