Here is the outdoor update I was blogging about on my last post. Our weather up to today has been constantly 24C(75F) and above for the last week or so. The veggies have really responded well to the warmth as have I. Looks like this week will be cooler and rainy but that is welcome too, it has been a really dry winter & spring here.
Overwintered Leeks. The biggest ones are about an
inch thick so they are still pretty small. I will be harvesting
them late May when I plant peppers in this spot.
Hardneck Garlic, all doing well.
'Valentina' Rhubarb. I have recently moved my two crowns
because they were growing in the area of my new potato
bed. Looks like they are unscaved and I can't wait for the
first Rhubarb Crisps & Pies.

All the Peas are growing nicely in rootrainers under the
polytunnel. Another week or two and I will be planting
them out in the soil with pea brush.
Here are my seeded onions, bottle, torpedo & spanish. They
are doing alright but could be a lot better. As long as the
weather holds up I will be planted them out soon.
All the Brassica's, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage & Purple
Sprouting Broccoli. They are doing well but are a little leggy after
growing under my hot grow light. They did this last year as well
so I just plant them a little deeper.
A group of greens in the coldframe. There is Tatsoi, Pac Choi,
Kale, Mixed Lettuce & Romaine. All will be planted out soon.
Here is a closeup of the lettuce above. I am a big fan of
leaf lettuce mixes, this particular seed mix is from pinetree
for $1.25 a pack.

Last photos today are a couple clumps of overwintered
Mache. There is lots of Mache out there that I need to harvest.
Looks like I will have to make some salads with store bought
radishes etc, pout pout.
inch thick so they are still pretty small. I will be harvesting
them late May when I plant peppers in this spot.
because they were growing in the area of my new potato
bed. Looks like they are unscaved and I can't wait for the
first Rhubarb Crisps & Pies.
polytunnel. Another week or two and I will be planting
them out in the soil with pea brush.

are doing alright but could be a lot better. As long as the
weather holds up I will be planted them out soon.

Sprouting Broccoli. They are doing well but are a little leggy after
growing under my hot grow light. They did this last year as well
so I just plant them a little deeper.
Kale, Mixed Lettuce & Romaine. All will be planted out soon.
leaf lettuce mixes, this particular seed mix is from pinetree
for $1.25 a pack.

Mache. There is lots of Mache out there that I need to harvest.
Looks like I will have to make some salads with store bought
radishes etc, pout pout.
The only other thing to update outdoors is I seeded some fennel and radishes out in the soil. I was hoping some would be up for today's post but that didn't happen. Can't wait for fresh radishes and fennel!
My next post will be on spring blooms in the yard.
My next post will be on spring blooms in the yard.
Outdoor update
Reviewed by Tegal
1:38 AM
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