The fate of sunflowers

The mother of these sunflowers gave birth to 35 seeds. Most of them are now growing. I just wonder what will happen if all seeds on this earth germinate. Likewise what if every male and female got married and have 10 children. What will really happen. Nature I guess do have safety mecahanism, able to control overcrowding, and with the concept of food chain, every explosion will be corrected and tamed.

I put our sunflowers into 3 categories. 
  • Category One: Five of them growing besides tomato plants and are doing extremely well. 
  • Category Two: Fifteen, occupying the same bed as their mother, squeezed between white chili and asin-asin. They are growing steadily, disturbed for a while by aphids, but now no more.
  • Category Three: A solo, very close to coleus, growing exactly as its mother. Growing low, with yellowish green leaves. This plant was earlier grown in a pot, while the rest are enjoying the real dirt. As the plant is increasing in height and roots developing well, I thought it would be best to set it free. But the sunflower seems to enjoy the bonsai treatment while staying in the pot. It grows lazily as its mother.
Now they are ready to flower, all of them! 
I just imagine each category will have different size of flowers
and the number of seeds..

 Category One: 
5 of them
beside tomato plants

Category Two
15 of them
beside chili plants, basil, lady's finger and asin-asin.

Category Three
Just one sunflower, going solo as its mother, besides Coleus.
They are on real colour show these coleus,
and it will not be long before that solitary sunflower,
opens up its petal exposing the SecretYellow to match the colourful foliage of coleus!

Putrajaya Malaysia
The fate of sunflowers The fate of sunflowers Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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