The joy of a harvest.

second harvest on a plate

second harvest spread on the table 
~to be added in fried rice, fried noodles, soups and curry.

ubi kayu
on the dry yard. The tile is 1x1foot square
~can be boiled or sliced and fried into chips.

veggies from containers
now in a bowl..
~can be fried or steamed for a lovely dinner

eggplants, chili and spinach.
on a plastic plate.
~this will definitely lasts for a week

Those of us who grow our own vegetables appreciate the meaning of abundance. Gardening is about understanding the factors promoting growth, about elements causing unhealthy plants and lower produce. In the end, a harvest is a joyous moment. For the two of us, the harvest is plentiful, and certainly a joyful and gratifying moment. 

How's your harvest?

Putrajaya Malaysia

The joy of a harvest. The joy of a harvest. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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