A Great Lecture For those in the New York tri-state Area!
Wednesday May 26 - 6:30 pm
A Great Morgan Library Presentation
- cosponsored by The Olana Partnership, Central Park Conservancy, and Foundation for Landscape Studies.
Great Romantic Landscapes: Central Park and Frederic Church's OlanaThis panel of expert historians and historic landscape stewards will explore the relationship between two of America's greatest nineteenth-century Romantic landscapes: Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux's Central Park, and Olana, Frederic Church's villa and landscape garden.
Speakers include Sara Cedar Miller, Central Park Conservancy historian and photographer and author of Central Park: An American Masterpiece; Katherine H. Kerin, Olana Landscape Curator; Evelyn D. Trebilcock, Olana Curator. Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, President, Foundation for Landscape Studies, will moderate.
Tickets: $15 for Non-Members; $10 for Morgan, Olana Partnership, and Central Park Conservancy Members
The exhibition Romantic Gardens: Nature, Art, and Landscape Design will be open at 5:30 PM especially for program attendees.
for tickets go to this website : http://www.themorgan.org/public/program.asp?id=308
Great Lecture: Romantic Landscapes: Central Park and Frederic Church's Olana
Reviewed by Tegal
7:58 PM
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