My Favorite Tulip, blooming now.....

My favorite tulips are blooming right now.

Tall, light pink and edged with a darker pink, these tulips have a feminine quality about them.

They look great against a gray stone wall as seen here. I planted them here for that reason, so that they pop out and grab the eye.

The textural contrast of soft versus hard, pastel against dark gray makes it all the more appealing.

And if you mix them with 'Purple Sensation' Allium (Flowering Onion) they are even more interesting!

So where can you get these marvelous tulips? I don't know. I have to order them every year at this time from Holland. They are 'Hillary Clinton' tulips and I can't find them if you like them, you have to ask your garden center to order them now....Good Luck!
My Favorite Tulip, blooming now..... My Favorite Tulip, blooming now..... Reviewed by Tegal on 9:19 AM Rating: 5

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