After effect of termite treatment on papaya

papaya and termite

Termites attack hurts both papaya tree and myself. A click on termites attacking papaya plant.
, will see the extent of attack and the way I deal with it. I really don't wish to get too involved with the way Nature impose death on plants and trees. But this is too hurting to see healthy papaya tree being bored by termites. After a week or so, the stem is showing every indication that the dateline has been fixed, and death is imminent.

I really don't want to meddle with life and death the way Nature wants it to be. I am just a gardener... ordinary and insignificant. But i do enjoy every little slice of ripe papaya, and few plants surely enjoy the shade provided by the exotic foliage of papaya.

the trunk of papaya

We know so little about plants and pests, 
and what nature has in store
for their existence 
within the perimeter of 

After effect of termite treatment on papaya After effect of termite treatment on papaya Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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