The members of the rose clan are an intriguing bunch. These prickly prima donnas lure us with their beauty, enchant us with their aroma and then ....spear us with their thorns. With a 'come hither' look but a 'stay away' barbed body, roses definitely want to be admired but not touched.
Sunny Knock Out Rose
So it is with that admonition that I urge you to admire - and even plant - one of the seven members of Conard-Pyle's Knock Out® Family of Roses. Why? Because they bloom from Spring until frost, are easy to grow, are low maintenance and display great disease resistance. Double Knock Out Rose and Pink Knock Out Roses in one of my Landscapes
Double Knock Out Rose - A fantastic display in one of my landscapes - Jan Johnsen
Rose Breeder, Bill Radler, created the original Knock Out rose in the late 1990s which then went on to win the prestigious 2000 AARS award and broke all records for sales of a new rose. Today the Knock Out® Rose is the most widely sold rose in North America.
The Knock Out® Family of Roses have a generous bloom cycle (about every 5-6 weeks) and will continue to bloom until the first hard frost. Additionally, all of the Knock Out® Roses are self-cleaning so there is no need to deadhead.
If unpruned, The Knock Out® Family of Roses can easily grow to be more than 3-4' wide x 3-4' tall. Periodic trims will keep them maintained at a smaller size. A once a year cut (to about 12-18" above the ground) in early spring (after the last hard frost) is recommended for maximum performance)
Knock Out Roses - Still the Best
Reviewed by Tegal
7:06 PM

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