I also snapped some updated garden shots this weekend.. our veggie gardens are arranged perpendicular to each other, due to the lay of the land, but luckily, both take advantage of a gentle south-facing slope! This allows cool air and frost to drain down the slope, and offers maximum light exposure. One garden has been in high production for months, while the other is only newly planted with cukes, zucchini and pole beans, so it doesn't look as full..
As you can see, I also love to interplant - it allows me to get the most out of my space - greens between the tomatoes and brassicas, broccoli raab between the celery and celeriac, etc. Annual flowers and herbs are scattered everywhere to attract pollinators and beneficial insects. Plus, they look fantastic! I stuck an aged driftwood stump that we found a few years ago on a beach in the garden. It's a great place to sit and just take in the surrounding beauty.
I still have some of my hoops in the garden. At this point in the season, I don't expect another frost, so I can remove them, but they do come in very handy from mid-fall to mid spring! I use 1/2 inch wide conduit and mount them on 1-foot long lengths of rebar. It takes me just minutes to erect a mini hoop tunnel!
The kohlrabi is growing great! The stems are starting to swell, and I'm hoping that we'll be enjoying fresh kohlrabi in about 10 days or so..
They're calling for rain today - fingers crossed - and since the garden is so dry, I'm really hoping for a solid soaking.. It's been over a week since we're had a decent rain. Otherwise, I'm going to have to get out my hose and start watering!
Ok, I'll stop now, as I could upload another 50 photos! I'll post more tomorrow.. the arugula, my interplanted tomatoes, the peas and more!
Happy Gardening!
Luna Moths, Garden Photos, Kohlrabi Update and more..
Reviewed by Tegal
5:50 PM
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