The other day, we were talking about getting tomato seeds in a different way which we never tried before. Kakdah used half of a juicy tomato for cooking and let the other half in a plastic cup. After a couple of days, the tomato became soft and watery with a hint of early decomposition. I just squeeze the whole thing in a bowl. The seeds are separated. The very same night, a few seeds were placed in pots for germination. They didn't take long to sprout... I could see the white tips of the roots coming out the next day. Once they achieved the second pair of true leaves, I put them on the vegetable bed. The vegetable bed was the site for compost heap for almost a year. It should be fertile enough for the little plants I suppose..
four little tomato seedlings sprouting.
Tomato seedlings
they were transplanted on vegetable bed
after the plants had completed their first true leaves.
they were transplanted on vegetable bed
after the plants had completed their first true leaves.
Tomato seedlings: 4
viewed from the other end, very early in the morning shown by the long shadows
tomato: 3 plants
the latest photo was taken around 6.00 pm, just before watering.
The soil looked dry. Now there are three little plants.
One of the pair in the middle was pulled out.I dont know the variety.
It is the normal variety sold in Carrefor Putrajaya vegetable section.
Another go with Tomato.
Reviewed by Tegal
11:01 PM
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