Creating Serenity Gardens - my Class at New York Botanical Garden

Tomorrow I am teaching a class on

at the New York Botanical garden

It is almost full.   10 am - 3:00 pm .

We are going to have a fantastic time delving into the little known secrets of creating a true Serenity Garden:
  •  laying out a garden in accordance with the four directions and why this is important

  • the divine proportion - why it affects us so deeply and how to use it in a landscape
  • Using Shape and Form to Create Specific Settings and why it works

  • Interpreting The Messages of the Trees

I will be showing several Powerpoints, we will do hands-on demonstrations outdoors and will follow it up with a fun wrap up!

Creating Serenity Gardens - my Class at New York Botanical Garden Creating Serenity Gardens - my Class at New York Botanical Garden Reviewed by Tegal on 9:19 PM Rating: 5

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