We've been enduring a heat wave this week, with most days at 34c(93f) in the shade and 42c(108f) if you factor in humidity. Pretty nasty but it has been worse. Above is a photo I took about 15 minutes north of Brantford, well coming back from Waterloo yesterday. The far off buildings in the distance is the center of Brantford, lots of haze.
I have been watering the garden ever evening. It has a full southern exposure and being against the foundation things really dry out fast in this weather. With the water most things are not complaining and in fact growing gangbusters.

The only thing protesting are the poor peas. All the new growth is either crispy or yellow. I will be picking some peas tonight and they will likely be the last of them. But this just means new beginnings, soon broccoli will take their place and provide a fall harvest.

Some of the new bean leaves are crisping up as well. With that said they are still growing like mad which I will show below.....

These are all climbing shelling beans. They have out grown their 6' wigwams and starting crawling along the decommissioned chimney. A little further up are the climbing green beans, they are not quite as vigorous yet.

The tomatoes are really growing too, probably over a foot in the last seven days. Lots of flowers but not many fruit yet. The only one with visible fruit is the early started siletz. I think I need a couple more early ones next year.

The pepper are another crop loving the heat. A hot summer was forcasted this spring so I didn't use black plastic this year. It is looking like a good idea now! They are close to waist high and like the tomatoes, lots of flowers but no peppers yet.

Lastly here are a couple shots of the 'waltham' butternut squash vines. I have started tying them to the trellis now that they are long enough. I find all the Cucurbitaceae need a few ties before they start climbing themselves. There are quite a few buds starting, these waltham's are suppose to pump out lots of squash.
Tonight I have a bit of work to do in the garden which I will hold off doing until near dusk. The tomatoes need the suckers removed & tying, many other things need tying up as well, like peppers, cucumbers & melons. There also are peas, broccoli & beans to pick.
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