Pak Choy, the fourth update.

Pak Choy or Sawi Putih

deep container in the dry yard
pak choy 
in deep container
close-up of pak choy in deep container

shallow container alongside the house
pak choy 
in shallow container

close-up of pak choy 
in shallow container

an older batch of pak choy,
ready to be taken anytime

1st posting on pak choy serial:  Pak Choy stage by stage.
2nd posting on pak choy serial: Pak Choy adding more leaves
3rd posting on pak choy serial:  Pak Choy third update 
4th posting on pak choy serial:
Week 1 ~ first pair of leaves
Week 2 ~ second pair of leaves
Week 3 ~ on average, 6 leaves. the leaves are increasing in size
Week 4 ~ the plants concentrate on increasing the size, new shoots are slow now.

pak choy in deep container.
This container is well outside our garden. In fact it is in the dry yard where kakdah normally hangs the cloths. The area is enclosed with brickwall, about 5' 6" high with two swing doors at both ends. The floor is tiled orange. She can get to the area through the kitchen's door. Pests in the form of grasshoppers seldom get to the area. Therefore, dry yard is well away from pest. The plants are totally free from pest bites.  Since the pot is at the edge of roof line, sunlight is fairly reduced and we would expect plants to be a little bit lanky.
pak choy in shallow container
This container is placed alongside the house, within the canopy of the roof. Lawn is 5 feet away. There will be pests straying to the pot once in a while. Grasshoppers seem to like pak choy very much. The biting habit is evident, but still tolerable. Pak choy grow better at this location, because of ample sunlight.

Pak Choy, the fourth update. Pak Choy, the fourth update. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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