Sweet peas, a re-run.

I really want to see sweet peas setting in and  produce beautiful flowers. Earlier attempts failed along the way They  germinated, but eight inches was about the highest the plants would grow before they wilted and died ... Now, they are persuaded to grow in a container. Six plants are growing  now. Lets see. what will happen to them...  I thought they failed in the earlier attempts because they were directly under the hot sun. Sunny in Sweden is mild to Putrajaya.  The container is kept at a little corner in Kakdah's dry yard. Every time she get out to hang cloths she will check on the progress. The seed packet displays beautiful and colourful flowers, definitely Kakdah is very enthusiastic to see the first sign of buds appearing....

I am sure gittan wants to see too ...

sweet peas
with 4 stakes

such tiny stems

they do have tendrils,
but not as energetic as bitter gourds.

hopefully our plants will survive and produce flowers as beautiful as these

Sweet peas, a re-run. Sweet peas, a re-run. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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