Above are the summer planters this year. They were all grown from seed out of cheapness. Everything was started in early April and planted out late May. Seemed to work well except the germination rate was pretty bad. We ended up having to buy a few hanging baskets for the porch hooks & upper window box. Next year I know to sow double the seed.

This sunflower was planted by the chipmunk so it is a black oil sunflower. It is quite small, about the size of a tennis ball. All the sunflowers I planted didn't grow this year, possible from chipmunk or from all the rain we had this spring.

The peppers are starting to take off now. This particular one is a Quadrato Rosso D'Asti, grown from seed shared by
Granny. They have all grown about 16" high and are starting to flower.

Here are some young Italian Red of Florence Scallions, grown from seed shared by
Thomas. I planted them in cell packs back in May and they were planted into the garden a few weeks ago. Before long I should have some nice red scallions.

The row of celeriac is starting to form root balls. I received two kinds in trades this year and I don't recall which one this is. It is either a Giant Prague (from
Miss M) or Billiant (from

The early started Siletz tomato has a couple fruit sizing up. Wish they were red!

All the tomatoes sown late April are over three feet high now and setting flowers. This particular one is a Cherokee Purple grown from seed I saved last year. I shared the seed with alot of bloggers and I hope they are all doing as well.

I think the Purple Sprouting Broccoli is starting to sprout. This is my first time trying this crop and it is grown from seed shared by
Miss M.
The pole beans are really starting to set now. Last years bean crop hardly produced at all so I am happy to see lots of beans again.

The Crimson Flowered Broad beans are starting to set pods as well. They are a cool season beans and I planted them way to late. Hopefully the heat we have been having does not stop the beans from forming. This variety was shared by
Matron last year and I then saved the seed for this years crop.

The potato bed is coming into bloom now. This means there are spuds forming now. I may just have to dig around a bit and see if I can steal a few.

To wrap things up here is a photo of
Charlie watching me out in the garden. She has been vaccinated now, next month she will get the second shot and will be spayed at the same time.
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