When Senduduk blooms

still early in the morning
senduduk flower has not opened fully

half opened senduduk flower

senduduk with black ants



side by side

We may not be aware about some flowers open daytime and close up when night falls. They do have reasons I suppose. The daytime flowers are meant for daytime insects.  I have grown petola before, and the flowers prefer nighttime to open up their petals.
Senduduk is a wild plant. The flowers has that wild beauty. They seem to be following their routine religiously,  open fully around 9 am, and close by about 5 pm. Their routine is almost like normal office hours. Worker of the month should go to senduduk no doubt, month after month on being extremely punctual!

I love that soft and yet wild shade of purple..

When Senduduk blooms When Senduduk blooms Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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