Giving clitoria ternatea a room

 There is a change in plan, clitoria ternatea are not going to be planted directly outside the kitchen window. We shift the site 2 meters away. Kakdah will still enjoy the view,  at a diagonal which is a bit to the left. The two plants are protected by the shade of sunflowers which is blooming right now. Within a month, that bush of sunflowers will go, then clitoria will have the whole bed to themselves with trellis to climb.

a pair of clitoria ternatea near sunflower plants.

close-up of clitoria ternatea

Putting trellis up, 
will not disturb what sunflowers are busy doing right now, 
that is yellowing and flowering, 
before blue become a new colour
for that site.


Giving clitoria ternatea a room Giving clitoria ternatea a room Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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