kale is here

 Growing Kale
(Menanam kailan)

They are of the same age, but the surroundings, the soil they grow in,  and the amount of sunlight they are getting must have influenced their growth. The two raised beds treat kale differently. The first is in the open, full sunlight with chilies, basil, lemon grass, asin-asin as neighbours. The second bed is a little shaded, with rain lilies, kadok plants and a few potted plants as neighbours. The first bed seem to be generous to grasshoppers. The poor plants are marked heavily..... to the grasshoppers, those bite marks are sign language they are very familiar with, which reads "I was here!". The other shady bed is alright, grasshoppers are not keen, therefore leaves are full . Grasshoppers don't venture out to the pots so far...

Kale in pot

Kale in pot

Kale in shady raised bed
grasshoppers dont like shady area, I guess.
oh, needs weeding!!

kale in open raised bed
grasshoppers show no sympathy! 
dry grass used as mulch to offset the scorching heat. 

Watering is still twice daily, 
foliage spray and organic poultry fertilizers applied weekly.

Earlier post:
a tale of kale
Introducing Kale into the garden.

kale is here kale is here Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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