It's Raining!

It is actually raining outside.. A soil drenching, root soaking, completely thorough rain! and I am so glad. Even though we had good ol' hurricane earl rip through here a few weeks ago, the rain really didn't give the earth a deep watering. It's been about 6 weeks since we've had what I would describe as a 'good' rain.. I've been struggling to keep the newly seeded beds watered and the seeds have been a bit stubborn because of the never-ending dryness and heat. Hopefully we'll see a turning point after today and the fall crops will shoot out of the soil!

Here's a shot of my kitchen windowsill this morning - note the lovely rain drops on the window.. also, another photos of a big rainbow tomato.. I just picked it yesterday, but there are dozens more to come.. they're lovely.. but after having 24 varieties this year, I'm starting to whittle the list down to our 'must-have's' - sungold (always #1), cherokee purple, costoluto, black cherry, persimmon, and maybe a few heirlooms we haven't tried before.. I'd love to try Mexican Midget, which bears scads of tiny little tomatoes! And the tomato man, Craig LeHoullier will be on the radio show this weekend.. call us with your tomato questions or thoughts on what you'd like to grow next year! I know that I'll be taking the opportunity to pick his brain! 1-877-801-8255.. News 95.7 FM, News 91.9 FM or News 88.9 FM every Sunday from 11 to 1 pm or listen live on

Happy Gardening!

It's Raining! It's Raining! Reviewed by Tegal on 6:32 PM Rating: 5

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