The end of winged beans

We are so used to life and death in gardening. It is part and parcel of the whole big kingdom of plants; to live and to die. Now is the turn for winged beans. What a life, a tiny seedlings in April, having  trellis to climb in May, fruiting in September and ready to go in October, in a space of  7 months. We have endless supply of crunchy winged beans over 2 months. Friends and neighbours are not forgotten.

trellis dismantled: the end of winged beans at the front porch

fresh winged beans: young and old.

fresh winged beans: sliced

 dry winged beans: seed pods open.

winged beans: the seeds.

The seed coat is hard,  therefore winged bean will take its own sweet time  to break and germinate. From previous attempts they seem to start off  well during rainy season when soil is wet and temperature a little bit cool.  Winged beans, just like any other bean plants has roots that affect the nitrogen level in the soil. the next plants, veggies or whatever would love the fresh and fertile soil, previously treated by winged beans.


The end of winged beans The end of winged beans Reviewed by Tegal on 5:00 AM Rating: 5

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