Fertigation Weekly: Looking for something different.

(Fertigasi Mingguan dari Tanah Merah Kelantan, Malaysia)

We change crops every season. A little bit of change will revitalise enthusiasm, keeping us on toes always . . Going for the same thing, same crop, same schedule, has every tendency to fall into complacency and boredom. Both of us decided on something really new. It is an area, we have not got any experience. So this is going to be another adventure that will take us into the technology behind gardening.... it is called FERTIGATION.  Now it is here in our Tanah Merah garden.

 picture 1
water and fertiliser drips into growing media slowly 

 picture 2
rows of white polybags, 48 of them altogether.

 picture 3
strong steel clips  are used to hold gi pipes together, and

 a view of the structure for fertigation project / projek fertigasi 
from the front door of our house in Tanah Merah.
 picture 4

 a view of the fertigation project / projek fertigasi from the front  road
 picture 5

another view of the fertigation project / projek fertigasi from the front  road
 picture 6

I intend to do weekly posts on fertigation to give updates, 
progress we are making, problems that crop up 
and the new frontier we would be 
breaking into..... 

The limiting factor of space alters the way urban gardeners handle gardening all round the world. Paul did a post on urban farming here Top 50 Urban Farming Blogs and my little vegetable garden blog is included too.  Fertigation is certainly a choice for urban gardeners.

We are interested to see how things go with fertigation, and I am sure many others, the practioners, the gardeners, and the would be gardeners (fertigator?) would love to see the details of fertigation.  It is now within our compound in Tanah Merah, Kelantan.

bangchik and kakdah
 fertigasi di laman rumah
Fertigation Weekly: Looking for something different. Fertigation Weekly: Looking for something different. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. this was very useful post!
    Fertigation Systems from Turf Feeding Systems provide improved landscape quality, water savings, reduced pesticide use and reduced turf management costs.



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