These are cuttings in polybags
at a cooler side of the house.
ixora growing in polybags.
We took these babies from Rosiah's garden.
cuttings in polybags
more seedlings
organic soil
in bags
100 bags of organic soil.
It is all about an adventure into home gardening with a slight bend towards vegetable growing. Understandably my territory is vegetable gardening and Kakdah more into orchids and flowers. She enjoyed handling potted plants especially fluffing the soil, get rid of ants colony and put fertiliser. Coming to a new house, very much naked and bare, gardening takes quite a time, effort and investment. But it is all worth it, even if we have to leave later like what we have gone through in Putrajaya. Anyway, what is so very permanent in this world.... Gardening is about an adventure, being closer together and what's most important is about getting closer to other inhabitants of the earth, the tribe of greens.
We germinated cuttings in large numbers. We purchased 100 bags of organic soil in . We always buy fertiliser in a 50kg bag. We have heaps of sand and soil. So, it does look like we are heading towards home-based nursery business...... yeah, why not!
Bangchik and Kakdah
sebuah nurseri anak pokok, benih sayur, tanah dan baja di Tanah Merah?
Kakdah Nursery in Tanah Merah
Reviewed by Tegal
11:40 PM
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