Learning to deal with Parsley / Daun Sup

 The bigger parsley

 young parsley at third leaf

baby parsley

Sowing parsley / daun sup seeds with other quick seeds could be disheartening. Spinach, ulam raja, sweetpeas, roselle and raddish will germinate in no time. Chili will take a bit longer. Brinjal will take its own sweet time. But Parsley will invariably be forgotten, then after 4 weeks, it will start showing some activity. Then it will take another week to show  its delicate first pair of leaves.

I have three plants in pots. The first two was brought here from Putrajaya. The  small one was sown here...Once growing, they will remain healthy as long as enough water and nutrient is given.

I tried to dig for some information about parsley. It is parsley in English, it is daun sup in Bahasa Malaysia, and for those with botanical inclination, it is   Petroselinum crispum.    Parsley types broadly divide into two: flat-leaf (variously styled single, plain, Italian, Dark Green Plain Leaf, Catalogno, or Flat Leaf) and curly. I guess, I am growing the flat-leaf type. (info:  Parsley)

Kakdah will only take a stalk at a time for her soup.....

 bangchik and kakdah
belajar tanam parsley / daun sup
Tanah Merah, Kelantan
Learning to deal with Parsley / Daun Sup Learning to deal with Parsley / Daun Sup Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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