More seed starting

Spring is a little over 30 days away so I started some spring greens. They include Winter Density Lettuce, Shanghai Bok Choy, Tatsoi and Boston Lettuce. I also started a couple trays of Alisa Craig onions. I am hoping to plant out the greens in the polytunnel during the first week of March, weather permitting of course.

The seeds I started late January are also doing well, here are some photos of them:

Bottle Onions - Germination was a bit spotty but that seems to be
the case with this variety. Of the three trays I should have plenty.

Siletz Tomato - The first three seeds I planted did not germinate.
I replanted five and now have three seedlings. Some fresh seed will
be needed next year and I'll replace it with a faster producing tom.

Black Brandywine Tomato - This one germinated well so I thinned
to the largest one and potted up. I am really looking forward to trying
this one. The early start should help this late producing variety get going.

On the weather front, this week is bringing a much needed warm up. Friday is forcasted to be 10c (50f). I hope this is a trend that will continue! The sun is feeling warmer, the birds are starting to sing, bring on spring!
More seed starting More seed starting Reviewed by Tegal on 12:38 AM Rating: 5

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