assessing the lawn: 4 months later

The lawn was in terrible shape the last two months, with no rain for a stretch of a month. Automatic irrigation system I am having, cant cope with ever thirsty grass. Luckily the much awaited rainfall came last week, and the grass smiled.
How time passed.  November last year, roselle and papaya were  the first to be introduced in into our little garden in a very bare compound. Cow grass was planted towards the end of November.   I did a few posts at the early stage of  the lawn ;   Preparing the lawn  November 25th 2010 followed by  Lawn in the making with new kpi   on  December 3rd 2010.
Yesterday, Rosli came to cut the grass. It wasn't easy for him, with poly pipes of irrigation system spread all over the lawn.

The lawn four months later

 lawn trimmed short
Roselle on the left, papaya in the middle and some climbing plants by the fence

 Rosli , cutting the grass.

Papaya will take a year to mature and bear fruits. 
We have to wait....

Lawn, the last four months

November 2010
20.11.2010, still bare and empty
Roselle and papaya just planted

November 2010
20.11.2010 vegetable bed ready, lawn still bare

December 2010
 4.12.2010 a week old lawn, spot turfing as we call it.

January 2011
 7.1.2011, grass and roselle were enjoying the monsoon rain.

February 2011
8.2.2010 the driest month, the lawn showing it, yellowing.

The Lawn now.

a neighbour Eri, gave a remark yesterday, "baru nampak berseri!", referring to the lawn, roughly translated as " now the lawn sparkles!".

bangchik and kakdah

assessing the lawn: 4 months later assessing the lawn: 4 months later Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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