Figgy and Other Sure Signs of SPRING!

The greenhouse is insulated, populated, and running for the 2011 season
The fig tree was in the basement crawl space till yesterday -
Something told the tree spring was close...
Species crocus in the grass have been blooming for at least two weeks!
The return of the Red Wing Blackbird will mean the finches will soon turn yellow.

I was gone last weekend to visit my folks in Flagstaff, AZ. Just in case you don't know Flagg - I arrived 5 hours before a six inch snowstorm. However, I did have some time to walk and enjoy the mountain sun and I even saw a Robin, but back to Wisconsin spring signs.
The fig tree came out of the basement yesterday. As the pictures tell, the tree had already decided it was time to awake even in a dark crawlspace. I think the little fig on one branch is determination on the part of this plant to grow and make figs for us.
Crocus are blooming in the yard in the three foot distance from the house. This is usually the first spot to have flowers and then as the grass on this south facing slope warms more crocus hear the call of spring. These lawn plantings do OK as they seem to have enough time to bloom grow and set new bulbs for next season. Farther out in the grass the daffodils are still covered with snow.
There was also my first Red Wing Blackbird at my feeder this afternoon. If I look back it might be a bit early for them in my yard but with the feeders freshly filled I guess he was hungry and will be back unless determined to go farther north.
The green house is newly insulated with a double layer of 4ml plastic that I got done today. The heater is running and all the plants under the lights in the basement are out there even the fig tree. It will be a cool run for a couple of weeks until I can get some seeds going and then when I plant tomatoes we will warm the space up a few more degrees. Right now 50 degrees will be the night temp and the day temp will be what ever the sun can warm up the space to. Today while putting up the plastic the space was hot but it sure felt good.
Susan and I attended a series of garden lectures Saturday sponsored by the NEW Master Gardeners. The whole day was informative, and we always enjoy the information that Phil Pellitteri, UW Entomologist presents. He spoke on native pollinators, something I am most interested in this season, and suggested that planting, cilantro, mustards, and arugula, and even letting the weeds flower are good for these insects. I am going to make sure that we have as many of these as possible in the garden this year - and the weeds should be the easiest part.
Happy Gardening

Next weekend I will be part of the SEEDS OF HOPE Garden Talk Event at Fox Valley Technical College - you can Google the site or call for info. If you can, come and participate, the day will be full of great information. and the funds raised go to assist students in need.
Figgy and Other Sure Signs of SPRING! Figgy and Other Sure Signs of SPRING! Reviewed by Tegal on 5:49 AM Rating: 5

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