I normally post on specific plant, write about specific characteristic and behaviour. For a change, I display many plants here for a bigger glimpse. At least two of them are from seeds giveaways. Radish from gittan last year, and balsam from Malar this year. Bloggers and gardeners connect well botanically, in a way even green earth campaigner can't compete. Radish and okra are enjoying pampered environment in white polybag, bathed with automatic irrigation system.
radish: seeds from Gittan, blogger friend |
a row of radish |
I could have put more radish in each bag.
Okra /lady's fingers/ bendi : flowering & fruiting |
exotic climber: red bud |
exotic climber |
balsam flowering: seeds from a blogger friend Malar. |
bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah
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