replanted cold frame

replanted cold frame 009
overwintered lettuce in cold frame 010 seedlings in cold frame 003

I took all the overwintered plants (lettuce, spinach, beets, broccoli and endive) out of my cold frame in the beautiful warm weather on Friday, added six bags of manure and compost mix, turned it under, and then replanted everything. I also planted the seedlings I started on Jan 28 (leeks, onions, lettuce and escarole). There's a tray of seedlings (onions, arugula spinach, kale, dill and lettuce) that has been out in the frame since midweek that is doing well. The cold frame is turning into a perfect place to harden off plants. I also brought out a couple plants (a begonia and a fuchsia) that I was over wintering inside. Like me, they seem to have just barely survived the winter and need some real sunlight and warm air.

plantes in cold frame 011
replanted cold frame replanted cold frame Reviewed by Tegal on 10:20 AM Rating: 5

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