The flexibility of composting.

I saw a composting machine costing RM1,500 during one of the trips to Putrajaya Flower Show. It is alright if one wish to spend that much. But there are other means of composting, practiced all over the country.

Farmers pile up palm leaves in neat rows in oil palm plantations to rot. Old oil palm trees are felled and chopped to pieces and left to rot too. On a more rural setting, leftover rice are just thrown under coconut trees, chickens rush and pick,  and some are left to decay, food for roots.... Allowing plant parts to degrade, and decompose... is composting.  There are so many ways to do it.

Over here, I make it so simple, simply because there are not many things to pile. Weeds, cuttings etc are all thrown into a bag. It will dry up a few months later. As mulch, dry garden waste is excellent....

 weeds, cuttings etc, all in the bag.

 dry weeds ready to be used as mulch,

bangchik and kakdah
Tanah Merah

The flexibility of composting. The flexibility of composting. Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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