Tree I.D. Using your Cell Phone (another app)

Identify any tree in North America in just a few taps on your cell phone / droid / etc.

TreeID was created in MEDL Mobile's App Incubator.

 The idea was submitted by Jason Siniscalchi, a PhD in Forest Resource Science. He wanted a way to share his interest in tree identification with all nature enthusiasts.

It is #12 in Canada.

Identify Almost Any Tree in Northern America


•Scientific name

•Physical Attributes (bark, leaf and fruit)

•Geographic location

 Matt suggested this to me - looks like a great aid to have on your phone!

....(just got to remember to keep it charged.)

Tree I.D. Using your Cell Phone (another app) Tree I.D. Using your Cell Phone (another app) Reviewed by Tegal on 5:11 AM Rating: 5

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