Coming up on The Weekend Gardener

Owen Bridge at the Wolfville Farmer's Market
I can't believe it's that time of the year again! The radio show starts up again on May 1st and my producer and I have been busy booking guests and organizing contests. The show runs every Sunday from 11 am to 1 pm Atlantic time and you can listen in Nova Scotia on News 95.7 FM, or in NB and PEI on News 91.9 FM or News 88.9 FM.. or, if you're nowhere near the Maritime provinces, catch us on It's only live though.. no podcasting yet..

The first show of the season is going to be fantastic!! Some of my favourite guests from past seasons, as well as a new New Brunswick guest.. We're also going to chat about a wide variety of topics - from no-fail trees and shrubs to new plants for 2011 to growing herbs to all about seeds.. we've got it covered!

Joining me on May 1st will be Cathy Oulton from Bloom Greenhouse and Garden Center in Halifax. She's a tree and shrub expert and we'll talk about her favourites, as well as what's new for the upcoming season.. We'll also touch on perennials and the amazing new container plants.. As well, Aaron and Anna of Sweet Valley Herbs in NB will join me to chat all about growing and using herbs! Finally, Owen Bridge of Annapolis Seeds will be in studio to share his favourite heirloom tomato varieties and some of the other unique seeds that can be grown in Maritime gardens. Can't wait! I hope you'll join me..

Very light blogging until the May 1st show.. so sorry, but will have plenty of fun things to share with you when I'm back to 'almost' daily blogging in late April.. be patient please!! :)

Happy Gardening!
Coming up on The Weekend Gardener Coming up on The Weekend Gardener Reviewed by Tegal on 6:38 PM Rating: 5

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