The Dreamy Brooklyn Bridge Park - April 21, 2011 Tour

I spent a part of my childhood living near Brooklyn Bridge...back then, us kids didn't venture down to the river even though our elementary school, P.S. 8,  was in its shadow. The neighborhood by the waterfront was sketchy, filled with abandoned piers, parking lots and dilapidated industrial buildings. I would go home to my little apartment and dream of trees and flowers.

Today, thanks to a lot of talented, committed  people, Brooklyn Bridge Park is a beautiful riverfront landscape dotted with rolling hills, promenades, playgrounds, bicycle paths  and restored marshlands. The view of lower Manhattan from the park is amazing... My dream has come true.

In the future, a total of 12 acres of paddling waters will be created for kayaks and  rowboats and there will be designated fishing areas and a marina.

 This summer, Jane’s Carousel will open, on the waterfront, housed in a Jean Nouvel pavilion.

The next phase of the park will include three large playing fields for soccer, field hockey, softball, cricket and football - as well as a picnic peninsula on Pier 5 (projected Summer 2012). Future phases include basketball courts, handball courts, an in-line hockey rink, and tennis courts.

 WOW WOW WOW...I guess I should have stayed in Brooklyn.


$10 Urban Green Members

$15 Non-members

$10 Students (must show valid ID at the door)

The Dreamy Brooklyn Bridge Park - April 21, 2011 Tour The Dreamy Brooklyn Bridge Park - April 21, 2011 Tour Reviewed by Tegal on 7:12 PM Rating: 5

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