Back from Vacation!

Sorry for the silence, I was down in the US.. such a difference in weather! Of course, when I got home, it was evening, but I snuck up the garden anyway.. I carefully unlatched the netting at the gate and walked the pathways. It was clear the deer had been in - a lot. Yet, it was getting very dark, so I left and carefully re-secured the netting.

The next morning I went up again - and realized that the gate I so carefully secured was the only part of the deer netting still standing! The rest of the netting had been torn down while I was away - by deer? by Hurricane Irene? who knows.. no wonder the tomatoes are trampled and eaten.. the soybeans nibbled, carrots?? ha ha.. what carrots? Beans - nope, just a few left that were too high for the darn deer.

And the newly planted beds for fall and winter - deer prints crushing everything, the baby lettuces and carrots eaten. Only the spinach survived - and actually is thriving. I should know better then to go away in the midst of fall planting.. ah well.. there's still time for more salad greens for fall/winter, as well as radishes, so I will continue to sow..

There are some tomatoes left - not many, mind you - but a few. Here's some of the seed that the North Carolina Tomato Man, Craig sent me - Mexico Midget. They're just pea-sized, but have big tomato flavour. A great discovery..

Hope your gardens are bountiful! (and deer-free).. the next project - a new type of netting/fencing material for the deer - I think it will be an electric wire fence.. any suggestions??
Back from Vacation! Back from Vacation! Reviewed by Tegal on 4:51 AM Rating: 5

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