A photo from The Year Round Vegetable Gardener and Thinking about Seeds

My seed boxes are now organized and I now know what I need (and don't need!) for the upcoming year. I say year because I will order all that I need until next Jan. This means I have to think about what I want to plant for next winter's harvest.. takes a bit more thought, but will be worth it! :)

Since it's Friday and 10 C (50 F), I am thinking about spring. Therefore, I thought I'd post a summer photo that is included in The Year Round Vegetable Gardener to hopefully inspire you! My soil-covered hands with a small sample of some of our favourite tomatoes - Sungold, Black Cherry and Sweet Million.

Have a great weekend!
A photo from The Year Round Vegetable Gardener and Thinking about Seeds A photo from The Year Round Vegetable Gardener and Thinking about Seeds Reviewed by Tegal on 1:46 AM Rating: 5

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