A Rambunctious Garden? thoughts on the earth, natives, new eco-systems etc.

I'm giving  a couple of links here to pieces I recently wrote on Gardening Gone Wild: Bringing Nature Home, or a Spinning a Web? was intended to raise a few awkward questions about a hot topic in American gardening circles, and rather less over here (the role of native plants in the garden), and As the Garden, so the Earth began as a book review about one of the most interesting books I've read in a long time, but which then turns into a discussion about wider links between how we garden and how we tend the earth. 

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and if you want any Kindle or smartphone reading, don't forget to check out my Amazon page.
A Rambunctious Garden? thoughts on the earth, natives, new eco-systems etc. A Rambunctious Garden? thoughts on the earth, natives, new eco-systems etc. Reviewed by Tegal on 4:05 AM Rating: 5

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