Rain, Travel, and Repairs Complicate Gardening

There is a reason my crab apple is called Snowdrift.
The garden ditch was important with all the rain we had.
This tulip blooms this pretty yellow and as it ages -
It changes color until they are all pink - Great flower.
I am growing my own dandelion greens but these I found at a market in Chicago this week.
I also found these too -
Do you know what they are?  I have never eaten them at this stage.

We have had some wet weather and after over 14 days of waiting I finally got my lawnmower back from the shop - and have cut the grass twice since its return.  I guess I should have tilled a while ago because the rain has postponed that job for a while and so the weeds and grass are really growing.  Plus my seeding schedule had to be adjusted while I went to Illinois to  help move my parents and returned twice in the last month to get other jobs done.  Hopefully the garden and yard can get back on the work schedule.  I did get the west bed tilled before it rained - that was where we cut out the big cedars from last season.  Not too many roots to contend with and now that area is getting some dirt from where I am digging out to extend the kayak trailer cement pad.  I want to put bricks in the space next to my fence so I have a nice landing for my trailer.  The dirt I dig out, to make room for the brick pavers, is going into the west bed.  That spot should be good for squash, sunflowers and maybe the sorghum too.
The spinach in the hoop house is on its last but the lettuce will replace it soon.  The inter-planting of radish is making for a good crop but the warm weather earlier made some of them taste hot.  I have moved the seedling tomatoes and peppers out into a cold frame and have started another run of crops in the greenhouse today - cucumbers, herbs, and cotton.  I have not grown cotton for a while so with and area by the house that will get nice heat I decided to plant some brown cotton again.  I have started some cucumbers to grow in the greenhouse instead of out on a garden trellis. Last year I picked a poor variety for greenhouse growing so this year I got some that are supposed to be grown indoors hopefully they will be like several years ago when we had a great greenhouse crop.  I also want to try melons in the greenhouse, and will start them later after I am done with my seedling bench work.
I only have a few apple blossoms left and the fruit on the trees is starting to swell.  I am concerned that Plum  curculio will be early this year because of the warm spring so I will have to ready to bag fruit soon - I think.  There is video and explanation on a previous years post so when the job starts I will refer to those to help any new baggers understand our process.
Happy Gardening
Rain, Travel, and Repairs Complicate Gardening Rain, Travel, and Repairs Complicate Gardening Reviewed by Tegal on 6:02 AM Rating: 5

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