Last Tuesday I harvested the first broccoli of the season. Fresh broccoli can not be beat! It was quickly blanched and served with slow roast duck and potatoes roasted in duck fat. All was cooked on the grill as it has been close to 40c(104f) for most of the week.
The garden is doing quite well this season. The only thing needed at the moment is to pull some bolted lettuce and replant the area. I also have a bit of weeding to do. Once that is completed I will post an overdue overview of the garden.
The last section of fencing was completed a few weeks ago and last weekend I completed the new retaining wall. Previous to the fence I had a garden tie retaining wall close to the tree and it had rotted out over the years. So I pulled that out and replaced it will a dry stone wall. All the stones were collected in the country (free!) and then I filled the area with triple mix hauled in by our truck. Once it cools down this weekend I will be dividing plants to fill the bed.
First Broccoli
Reviewed by Tegal
9:13 PM
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