garden work

Today I spent several hours at my community plot. It was such a nice morning to work in the garden. I trimmed the weeds in the path outside and all around my plot. A garden next to me (to the north) is untended, so I cut back their weeds and cleared out the overgrown path between us. Sigh, the weeds are quite abrasive and spiny (Japanese hops, raspberries, horse nettles). My arms are all scratched up. I'm hoping for a more active garden neighbor next year.

I watered well, as we've been quite dry. Removed mildewed squash leaves, took out old sunflowers and an borage plants. I also removed the last of my tomatoes, which had succumbed to late blight. I harvested a nice big boxful of green tomatoes. I'm sure most will ripen nicely. I also harvested a big head of bok choy to stir fry for tonight's dinner. (It was delicious.)

In the space left by the tomatoes, I planted some seeds and seedlings. Seedlings: lettuce, beets, cilantro. Seeds: peas and spinach. I had a package of pea seeds (Strike) that mature for harvest in 49 days, so I planted the whole package. I have often planted fall peas but have never gotten a crop harvested as I've always planted too late. Ever optimistic, I am trying again.....
garden work garden work Reviewed by Tegal on 8:48 AM Rating: 5

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