Have you ever done the zucchini 'doorbell and dash'??

My just-harvested Trombetta squash from
Ah summer.. a bounty of beans, tomatoes and ZUCCHINI!! I know it's my fault.. it always is, but when those glossy seed catalogues arrive in January, I order forget that each zucchini plant will bear dozens of fruits! So, I order way too many varieties, start way too many seeds and plant way too many seedlings into the garden. Oops! That bounty has started rolling in - by the tonne - and each day brings about a dozen summer squash in every shape and shape. We have patty pans - in deep green, light green, yellow and green/white. We have the incredible striped Costata Romanesca with a mild nutty flavour. We have Astia, a compact container oblong-fruited cultivar. We have Clairmore, a Lebanese kousa type. We have Trombetta, that amazing trumpet shaped Italian heirloom. Is that is?? Lucky my Lebanese mother-in-law can't get enough of the summer squash.. Otherwise, we'd really be in trouble!

I harvest the oblong types when they're about 5 to 7 inches long, pattypan when they're 2 to 3 inches across and the Trombetta when they're about a 12 to 15 inches.

So many squash, so little time..

If you've never done the zucchini 'doorbell and dash', here is how it goes:

Place your excess zucchini at the front door of a neighbour,
family member or friend..

Ring the doorbell..

RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (heels are optional!)

Clairmore, Costata Romanesca, Astia and another
Costata Romanesca

Have you ever done the zucchini 'doorbell and dash'?? Have you ever done the zucchini 'doorbell and dash'?? Reviewed by Tegal on 8:01 AM Rating: 5

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