Ideas for Quiet Outdoor Spaces

Double Cascade by Jan Johnsen

Roberta Chinsky Matuson is an expert on increasing profitability by maximizing employee contribution. Her website is She writes that quiet people are often the most productive, explaining that,

Being quiet strengthens focus and calms others.

Being quiet gives you the space to delve deeply into ideas.

She says," at the end of the day, it’s not about the noise one makes, but what one actually gets done."

So it follows that a workplace should provide quiet spaces that encourage productivity!

I hereby suggest to Google, Apple and Microsoft, among other businesses that they include Serenity Spaces for their employees to work in....(I can show you how to create them)

A few ideas:

Cascades and fountains

Shaded benches or nooks

Reflexology Paths to enhance concentration.

Zig Zag Bridges

and lots of outdoor outlets!

Ideas for Quiet Outdoor Spaces Ideas for Quiet Outdoor Spaces Reviewed by Tegal on 1:10 AM Rating: 5

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