More book love - eight months on - and a harvest basket!

With the release of The Year Round Vegetable Gardener, this has been a rather crazy - but awesome - year! Here we are, 8 months after the release of the book and it's still being reviewed or mentioned in the media. I can't tell you how much that means to me.. This long weekend, I've got a mention in the Toronto Star (thanks to the lovely Sonia Day) and a detailed review from Doug Oster in The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. (Love Doug, but did you HAVE to publish my age!?) :)

Taking some of the bounty to my in-laws!

My tomatoes and some eggplants.. 

Check it out! My book at the Village Emporium in Chester!!
They just got in a fresh shipment and I went in and signed them all
yesterday.. So grateful for the support! Find them on twitter

They even put a copy in their front window!

More book love - eight months on - and a harvest basket! More book love - eight months on - and a harvest basket! Reviewed by Tegal on 7:09 PM Rating: 5

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