today's harvest

harvest and Skip nov 28

Today, I harvested the last of my leeks, 2 tiny heads of savoy cabbage, 2 big heads of bok choi, a few tiny beets, a giant bunch of kale, and 4 or 5 big heads of frizzy escarole.

There was snow still in the center of the bok choi, left over from a light dusting we got last night. The air temp was right about freezing as I harvested, 33*F, I think. The ground is not yet frozen, but is icy cold. My hands got very chilly and muddy as I harvested. I took my time and enjoyed what is probably my last day out in the garden for a while.

After wandering and admiring this and that, oblivious to everything else, I realized Skippy had stolen my mittens. He snuck up to the chair where I put them and took both of them. Then he left the garden quickly with them and started barking at me. That teaser! I was taking way too long and delaying his walk. I chased him a while - we both had fun. I eventually got both mittens back, warmed my hands AND Skippy got a nice walk.

My harvest filled 3 grocery bags quite nicely. As I left with my bags, I was thinking how I enjoy this so much more than going to a grocery store.

Now all that's left outside in my gardens is kale. Our forecast is for more chilly weather to come.

harvest bags nov 28 harvest bok choi nov 28
harvest snowy bok choi nov 28 harvest nov 28
harvest esc nov 28
today's harvest today's harvest Reviewed by Tegal on 5:40 AM Rating: 5

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