I'm Baaaaaaack!!

Yeah, I've been a bad blogger.. I've been pedal to the metal trying to finish the last bits of the next book and have been very negligent! So sorry.. I'm almost done now and will definitely be a better blogger!! :)  

I just got a note from fellow garder writer, Carolyn Binder, who is the blogger behind Cowlick Cottage Farm where she has just launched a big holiday giveaway - and she has included my book, The Year Round Vegetable Gardener!! Thanks Carolyn! Just click on the link above to check it out.. plenty of fabulous prizes (that I wouldn't mind winning!) including Moo Poo Tea from Annie Haven, the awesome new book from Amanda Thomsen called Kiss My Aster (a MUST have), Chris McLaughlin's new book on vertical veggies, assorted tools, and much more!!

I can't believe this crazy weather we're having (Hello Global Warming!) as it's 11 C outside today.. I am trying to finish my work as quickly as possible this morning so I can go up and play in the garden for a bit.. I'd still like to tuck in a bit more garlic - it's not too late - and also spread some more chopped leaves over the carrots and other root crops and even toss some old straw in the paths of the garden. It's been raining so much lately that walking on those paths is rather squishy!

Photos to follow - I promise!! And check out Carolyn's great giveaway if you get a chance!!
I'm Baaaaaaack!! I'm Baaaaaaack!! Reviewed by Tegal on 8:09 PM Rating: 5

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