February can be quite a hard month for blogging, so it's great to see Shirl's had her thinking cap on and come up with a couple of great ideas for us to have some fun :)
We've had lots of bloggity laughs in the past, thanks to Shirl, which she's reminisced about as well as then going on to outline her latest ideas. Today's post is to share 5 questions. These can be answering them or posing them, or a mixture of both. It's an easy theme to adapt to suit one's own purpose.
Previously on Veg Plotting I've had a lot of fun writing some spoof Gardeners' Question Time posts based on googled search terms which have hit my blog. Once again this is my starting point - using some of the top search terms from yesterday.
James Wong wearing wellies pics bought a smile to my face. Sadly I can't oblige, but I'll look out for an opportunity to do so at The Edible Garden Show next month.
I also had Gardeners' Question Time Chris Beardshaw tip for deterring squirrels. I'd love to know the answer to this one too, so if anyone was listening and remembers what it was, please reveal all in the comments below.
If you'd like to find when the magic 10 hours arrives for the start of your indoor sowing season, then you may find my What's the Weather for Salad blog post helpful.
Seeing these search terms and the peas reminds me I'm answering lots of my own questions about windowsill salad growing with some ongoing experiments. There'll be more about this in Friday's Salad Days post. You're also welcome to join in, so stay tuned.
I've also been pondering whether to have a regular #saladchat hour on Twitter to accompany my monthly Salad Days round up. Do you think it would be useful to have a regular question/show and tell/anything else we can think of salad session on there as well? It would be written up on Veg Plotting afterwards for those not on Twitter or who can't make it. What do you think? Would you find it useful? What would you like to see happening on there?
Finally, my fifth question is a search term that's hit my blog which had me stumped - "moroccan cress" growing. What on earth is Moroccan cress? Can anyone enlighten me?
Thanks to Shirl for coming up with such a great idea. Feel free to join in over on your blog or add something in the comments below. She's also hosting The Garden Blog Prequel on the 26th February. The idea is to say something about your pre-blogging garden and how blogging has (or hasn't) affected it. There's more details here - everyone is welcome to join in!
Garden Bloggers' Five Questions
Reviewed by Tegal
3:30 PM

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