Collecting our own tomato seeds

Through experience, I notice seeds collected from plants grown in our little garden has been prepared well by their mother to grow and survive in our garden. Its a hint of the principle, survival of the fittest. The second generation plants grow better. Sunflowers had shown that. So is the winged bean.

I just imagine, it's the responsibility of the mother plant to prepare its seeds with enough coded information of growing parameters, soil conditions, weather, pest harassment, positive and negative contributing factors by the gardeners (Bangchik and Kakdah), the severity of stare by onlookers and passersby walking up and down the public pedestrian walkway. We humans prepare the future of our children through proper upbringing. Plants and vegetables don't last long to really see their own babies. I guess experience and knowledge on survival has to been handed down through some coded info within the seeds. It's just what I think, with no sound scientific treatment. Just a hunch... haha.

So this is what I do to collect seeds from tomato:-

Cut the ripe tomato into halves.  
Normally I  use tomato
from the second harvest.

Now seeds are very much visible

Scoop out the fleshy part, 
and then put it into coffee strainer 
and wash through. 
The residue is the seeds. 
Let them dry for a couple of days, 
then they are ready 
to be germinated.

Are you collecting seeds from tomato plants you grow this way?

Putrajaya, Malaysia
Collecting our own tomato seeds Collecting our own tomato seeds Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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