Harvest Monday

I have finally harvested some peas. Even though it seemed to take a while this year I think it was sooner then last year. In the colander is a grouping of every pea I am growing this year:
  • Victorian Climbing Shelling Pea
  • Cascadia Snap Pea
  • Oregon Sugar Snow Pea
  • Opal Creek Golden Snap Pea
There will be a stir fry with the snow & snap peas and some steamed peas with the shelling variety. That is all I have for today. There is a bunch of lettuce ready but we are still munching on lettuce from last monday. Be sure to check out what everyone is harvesting on Daphne's page.

I should also mention that I have given up weighting my harvests. It is nice to have a measure of success but it is just to much work. Previously I had to photograph, trim, wash, dry & weight before posting. Without weighting I just have to photograph before posting and I can get the rest done whenever.

Look for a bean post next....
Harvest Monday Harvest Monday Reviewed by Tegal on 6:12 AM Rating: 5

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