Chili after 3 months

red and green chili

The last time I wrote about chili was in March. After three months, chili plants are still growing. But the general health is weakening, leaves are wrinkling and chilies begin to come out with various awkward shapes. They are still hot and spicy, to heat up any menu that requires them. That was among the last chili, before I did some heavy fluffing around the plants and  added poultry fertilizer to the hungry plants. A few branches were cut, leaving the stronger stem and branches.

flowers emerging


heavy with buds and flowers

After a couple of weeks, the plants are kicking with zest and energy. Buds and flowers are everywhere. I hope the little branches can withstand the weight of chili as they develop further.

Chili after 3 months Chili after 3 months Reviewed by Tegal on 11:01 PM Rating: 5

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